2025 is the year of the Dragon, starting from January 29th, 2025 (Chinese Lunar New Year Day) and lasting until February 16th, 2026. If you were born in 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013…, your Chinese zodiac sign is the Snake.
As a large community of Chinese-Australians who live in Victoria, Melbournians love celebrating Chinese New Year after year.
Although this festival is celebrated across the country, Melbourne does it differently. Chinese Australians celebrate this cultural festival with the same vigour and energy as in China.
Chinese New Year, 2025 Dates, Dragon Dance & Fireworks, Melbourne
Gather in Melbourne Chinatown, where all the actions are, along with the DJs who, true to the traditional Chinese New Year festivities, will warm up the crowd with New Year competitions and riddles for onlookers whilst the artists and performers come out into the streets and also on the stage.
Traders in Chinatown will be encouraged to decorate their windows and trading premises with Chinese New Year memorabilia. Visitors and customers will also be encouraged to log onto the website to vote for the Best Decorated Outlet.
It would be a challenge for the Traders to dress up their premises with beautiful Chinese New Year memorabilia pieces. It could be anything cultural or any items from A to Z.
Hi there
Will the 2018 information be available soon?
Do you know if the light display and or fire works are on again this year? We want to book accommodation in Melbourne soon. Thank you
Hi MJ,
No program information has been published as yet by the City of Melbourne, however I would expect it to be released within the next week or so. Please check back with us next week and I will update our page with all the information about the Chinese New Year in Melbourne for 2018.
Best regards,
Hi guys
Same here. We plan to hit the road on 26th and if possible join in all the activities happening not to miss is the dragon parade and dragon awakening ceremony. Really appreciate any details and information that helps with the itinerary.
Hi Lai,
Still waiting on the release of a program schedule from the City of Melbourne. Will update the page once it becomes available.
Kind regards,
What date and time is the fireworks. I want to watch it from crown casino
Hi Sarita,
The schedule hasn’t yet been released, so check back with us and I will update the page with a program once it becomes available.
What date is the Dragon out in the streets of Melbourne ass we are from Perth and would love to be there for it ?
Hi Margaret,
The program hasn’t yet been released for 2017.
It appears from previous years that the dragon was there to open the festival on the first day in Chinatown at around 11.30am. I will update this page with information on the schedule of events as it comes to hand. Please check back with us!